Building Something From Scratch — Week 3

Alejandra Bricio
2 min readNov 17, 2020

(This story is part of the weekly assignments for my internship at Nearsoft. I hope that some of the insights I learned this week can help others in their learning journey. Previously: Month 2, Week 2.)

Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

Docker, Containers and Volumes 🐳️

This week, my pair programming teammate and I, had to research how to use the Postgres database in our application. JHipster has a simple command to run the database container with Docker however, before we did that we had to learn how it worked. A friend of mine recommended the book Docker: Up and Running and found it to be a very good start to understand the basics of containers, images and volumes.

By the end of the week, we had Docker installed with a Postgres image and a volume of our database mounted into it. I’m still learning about containers and we will continue to use them this last week of our development.

Liquibase 🕵️

Before using the database, we had to add attributes to one of the entities of the application but we stumbled upon some Liquibase errors. Liquibase is “an open-source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.” The error we were having when compiling our changes was a checksum error. We spend a couple of hours trying to figure out how to fix, and something that really helped debbuging this issue was a mentoring session we previously had with one of my mentors.

At the end, the error got fixed and I learned a lot about change logs, schemas and check sums.



Alejandra Bricio

26 yo. Self-Taught Software Developer. I write about Career Change, Women in Tech and anything exciting I’m working on.